Intuitive Journaling Circle
with Sally-Shakti Willow

Every time we come back to meet ourselves in our notebooks, we deepen our wisdom and strengthen our connection with our embodied intuition. Journeying together through the Wheel of the Year, we'll return to our Intuitive Journaling with each new Seasonal Cycle. You'll meet yourself on the page in different forms at different times - as Maiden, Lover, Mother and Crone. You'll learn to listen to the wisdom of your own body's internal rhythms and find the courage to stand in your own truth. 

In the Intuitive Journaling Circles, you’ll be guided into a practice that you can use every day to connect with your intuition through journaling – opening your channel to receive clearer insights and preparing you to experience more juicy, vibrant creativity in your writing and your life! 

 Intuitive Journaling can help you reconnect with the whispers of your Soul’s secret calling; to meet yourself on the page as you truly are; and find the strength, courage and healing in compassionate witnessing and non-judgemental self-enquiry.  

I developed this practice when I was personally stuck and unable to feel. Without clarity for my life’s direction, I took to the page to meet myself as I truly am. What I found there surprised me, and the courage that followed has continued to change my life to this day.  

You’ll be well held in these circles, with space for reflection and integration, and you’ll never be asked to share what you’ve written unless you would like to.

You can access ALL of 2024's Intuitive Journaling Circles and SAVE when you Book NOW

That means you'll get a total of 8 Intuitive Journaling Circles for the price of 7! 

Here are the dates for the Intuitive Journaling Circles:

Imbolc Intuitive Journaling Circle - Monday 5th February  

Ostara Intuitive Journaling Circle (Spring Equinox) - Monday 18th March 

Beltane Intuitive Journaling Circle - Monday 13th May  

Litha Intuitive Journaling Circle (Summer Solstice) - Monday 17th June   Lammas Intuitive Journaling Circle - Monday 5th August  

Mabon Intuitive Journaling Circle (Autumn Equinox) - Monday 23rd September  

Samhain Intuitive Journaling Circle - Monday 28th October  

Yule Intuitive Journaling Circle (Winter Solstice) - Monday 16th December

All Intuitive Journaling Circles take place at *7-8.30pm London Time. These are LIVE events only, so please plan to be present for each Circle. 

Time-Zone Conversion: *(8pm CET / 2pm EST / 11am PST)

What people say:

"It was beautiful, thank you so much. I just needed that "cauldron" of women and it was nice to see some familiar faces." ~ Caroline's Reflections on the 2023 Samhain Intuitive Journaling Circle

"I got something soulful and meaty for me to ponder. Perfect stuff. New Perspective." Carolyn Jacques 

"Thanks for this evening ... it was gentle and nourishing." Em

I would love to see you - and support you - there  

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Intuitive Journaling Circle Bundle Bonus!£77

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  • 1xIntuitive Journaling Circle Bundle Bonus!£77

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